Repos / shark / ae4e5ad3af
commit ae4e5ad3aff05201d0c9d275232d834c3cdc66d4
Author: Nhân <>
Date:   Sun Jul 31 13:50:15 2022 +0700

    readme: update list of args; go run command

diff --git a/ b/
index e60fee9..49b834f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -70,22 +70,32 @@ ## Options
 Here are the currently supported options:
--hungry int
-      The number of seconds it takes for Gura to go hungry (default 3600)
--size int
-      Size multiplier: make Gura as big as you want (default 1)
--x int
-      X position on screen (default 9999)
--y int
-      Y position on screen (default 9999)
+  -hungry int
+        The number of seconds it takes for Gura to go hungry (default 3600)
+  -size int
+        Size multiplier: make Gura as big as you want (default 1)
+  -stop int
+        chance to stop walking, in % (default 40)
+  -walk int
+        chance to start walking, in % (default 5)
+  -x int
+        X position on screen (default 9999)
+  -y int
+        Y position on screen (default 9999)
 # Compile from source
+- Clone this repo
 - Follow [ebitengine's install guide][6]
 - Run: `go build -tags ebitensinglethread -o dist/`
 - Your compiled binary should now be in `./dist/`
+Alternatively, if you already have Go, you can run `go run` to compile and run the latest version without
+manually cloning the repo. You still need to install ebiten's dependencies
+first though.
 Apparently it should compile on FreeBSD too but I haven't tried that.
 Do let me know if it works on your FreeBSD desktop!