Repos / pytaku / aca263ad32
commit aca263ad324da0bfe47f8792e1bdf9a276fdd579
Author: Bùi Thành Nhân <>
Date:   Sun Aug 9 22:22:28 2020 +0700

    fix `chapter` & `read` table constraints
    Turns out meddling with columns and constraints in SQLite requires
    some... interesting gymnastics:
    - turn foreign_keys pragma off
    - rename existing table
    - create new table with desired columns & constraints
    - copy data over
    - drop old table
    - turn foreign_keys pragma back on
    Also, you can't flip the foreign_keys pragma from inside a transaction,
    so the whole migrator needed an update.
    _Also_, even with foreign_keys=off, renaming `chapter` table to
    `old_chapter` would automatically update the `read` table's foreign key
    constraint to point to `old_chapter` too, which is NOT what we want. So
    we need to set legacy_alter_table=on as well (as an extra bonus, this
    behavior differs between sqlite versions as well - see the table at

diff --git a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/latest_schema.sql b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/latest_schema.sql
index e1dd9b5..9ba45dd 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/latest_schema.sql
+++ b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/latest_schema.sql
@@ -13,22 +13,6 @@ CREATE TABLE title (
     unique(id, site)
-    id text,
-    title_id text,
-    site text,
-    num_major integer,
-    num_minor integer,
-    name text,
-    pages text,
-    groups text,
-    updated_at text default (datetime('now')), is_webtoon boolean,
-    foreign key (title_id, site) references title (id, site),
-    unique(id, title_id, site),
-    unique(id, site),
-    unique(num_major, num_minor, title_id)
     id integer primary key,
     username text unique,
@@ -45,16 +29,6 @@ CREATE TABLE follow (
     foreign key (user_id) references user (id),
     unique(user_id, title_id, site)
-    user_id integer not null,
-    chapter_id text not null,
-    site text not null,
-    updated_at text default (datetime('now')),
-    foreign key (user_id) references user (id),
-    foreign key (chapter_id, site) references "old_chapter" (id, site),
-    unique(user_id, chapter_id, site)
 CREATE TABLE keyval_store (
     key text primary key,
     value text not null,
@@ -69,9 +43,21 @@ CREATE TABLE chapter (
     name text,
     pages text,
     groups text,
-    updated_at text default (datetime('now')), is_webtoon boolean,
+    updated_at text default (datetime('now')),
+    is_webtoon boolean,
     foreign key (title_id, site) references title (id, site),
     unique(site, title_id, id),
     unique(site, title_id, num_major, num_minor)
+    user_id integer not null,
+    site text not null,
+    title_id text, -- nullable to accomodate existing mangadex rows, urgh.
+    chapter_id text not null,
+    updated_at text default (datetime('now')),
+    foreign key (user_id) references user (id),
+    foreign key (site, title_id, chapter_id) references chapter (site, title_id, id),
+    unique(user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id)
diff --git a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0001.sql b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0001.sql
index 700acf3..02f6c8f 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0001.sql
+++ b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0001.sql
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+begin transaction;
 create table title (
     id text,
     name text,
@@ -56,3 +58,5 @@ create table read (
     foreign key (chapter_id, site) references chapter (id, site),
     unique(user_id, chapter_id, site)
diff --git a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0002.sql b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0002.sql
index 15f1c6e..5cb629c 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0002.sql
+++ b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0002.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 -- Add key-value store table, for a poor man's inefficient cache
+begin transaction;
 create table keyval_store (
     key text primary key,
     value text not null,
     updated_at text default (datetime('now'))
diff --git a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0003.sql b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0003.sql
index 14d89ec..d581ff4 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0003.sql
+++ b/src/pytaku/database/migrations/m0003.sql
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 -- SQLite doesn't let you do that directly so gotta create a new table
 -- then copy existing data over.
-alter table chapter rename to old_chapter;
+pragma foreign_keys = off; -- to let us do anything at all
+pragma legacy_alter_table = on; -- prevent foreign keys from renaming to 'old_chapter' as well
+begin transaction;
+alter table chapter rename to old_chapter;
 create table chapter (
     id text,
     title_id text,
@@ -13,11 +16,34 @@ create table chapter (
     name text,
     pages text,
     groups text,
-    updated_at text default (datetime('now')), is_webtoon boolean,
+    updated_at text default (datetime('now')),
+    is_webtoon boolean,
     foreign key (title_id, site) references title (id, site),
     unique(site, title_id, id),
     unique(site, title_id, num_major, num_minor)
 insert into chapter select * from old_chapter;
+drop table old_chapter;
+-- "read" table needs a new "title_id" column too
+alter table read rename to old_read;
+create table read (
+    user_id integer not null,
+    site text not null,
+    title_id text, -- nullable to accomodate existing mangadex rows, urgh.
+    chapter_id text not null,
+    updated_at text default (datetime('now')),
+    foreign key (user_id) references user (id),
+    foreign key (site, title_id, chapter_id) references chapter (site, title_id, id),
+    unique(user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id)
+insert into read (user_id, site, chapter_id, updated_at)
+    select user_id, site, chapter_id, updated_at from old_read;
+drop table old_read;
+pragma foreign_keys = on;
+pragma legacy_alter_table = off;
diff --git a/src/pytaku/database/ b/src/pytaku/database/
index b275d64..1fe88b9 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/database/
+++ b/src/pytaku/database/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import datetime
 import subprocess
 from importlib import resources
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -65,12 +66,27 @@ def migrate(overwrite_latest_schema=True):
         migration_contents = _read_migrations(pending_migrations)
         conn = get_conn()
-        with conn:  # apsw provides automatic rollback for free here
-            cursor = conn.cursor()
-            for version, sql in migration_contents:
-                print("Migrating version", version, "...")
-                cursor.execute(sql)
-                cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA user_version = {version};")
+        cursor = conn.cursor()
+        # Backup first
+        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat("T", "milliseconds")
+        backup_filename = f"db_backup_{now}.sqlite3"
+        print(f"Backup up to {backup_filename}...", end="")
+        cursor.execute("VACUUM main INTO ?;", (backup_filename,))
+        print(" done")
+        # Start migrations
+        # NOTE: this is NOT done in a transaction.
+        # You'll need to do transactions inside your sql scripts.
+        # This is to allow for drastic changes that require temporarily turning off the
+        # foreign_keys pragma, which doesn't work inside transactions.
+        # If anything goes wrong here, let it abort the whole script. You can always
+        # restore from the backup file.
+        cursor = conn.cursor()
+        for version, sql in migration_contents:
+            print("Migrating version", version, "...")
+            cursor.execute(sql)
+            cursor.execute(f"PRAGMA user_version = {version};")
         if overwrite_latest_schema:
diff --git a/src/pytaku/ b/src/pytaku/
index 05a9a86..7bd09a9 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/
+++ b/src/pytaku/
@@ -44,17 +44,28 @@ def toggle_has_read(f):
     def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
-        assert "site" in kwargs  # only use on site-specific views
+        assert "site" in kwargs
+        assert "title_id" in kwargs
         has_read_chapter_id = request.args.get("has_read")
         unread_chapter_id = request.args.get("unread")
         assert not (has_read_chapter_id and unread_chapter_id)  # can't do both
         if session.get("user"):
             if has_read_chapter_id:
-                read(session["user"]["id"], kwargs["site"], has_read_chapter_id)
+                read(
+                    session["user"]["id"],
+                    kwargs["site"],
+                    kwargs["title_id"],
+                    has_read_chapter_id,
+                )
                 return redirect(request.url[: request.url.rfind("?")])
             elif unread_chapter_id:
-                unread(session["user"]["id"], kwargs["site"], unread_chapter_id)
+                unread(
+                    session["user"]["id"],
+                    kwargs["site"],
+                    kwargs["title_id"],
+                    unread_chapter_id,
+                )
                 return redirect(request.url[: request.url.rfind("?")])
         return f(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/pytaku/ b/src/pytaku/
index 3b2ef01..6cedcf4 100644
--- a/src/pytaku/
+++ b/src/pytaku/
@@ -261,20 +261,21 @@ def get_followed_titles(user_id):
     return sorted(titles, key=lambda t: len(t["chapters"]), reverse=True)
-def read(user_id, site, chapter_id):
+def read(user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id):
-        INSERT INTO read (user_id, site, chapter_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
-        ON CONFLICT (user_id, site, chapter_id) DO UPDATE SET updated_at=datetime('now')
+        INSERT INTO read (user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
+        ON CONFLICT (user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id)
+        DO UPDATE SET updated_at=datetime('now');
-        (user_id, site, chapter_id),
+        (user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id),
-def unread(user_id, site, chapter_id):
+def unread(user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id):
-        "DELETE FROM read WHERE user_id=? AND site=? AND chapter_id=?;",
-        (user_id, site, chapter_id),
+        "DELETE FROM read WHERE user_id=? AND site=? AND title_id=? AND chapter_id=?;",
+        (user_id, site, title_id, chapter_id),