Repos / / c708e435f4
commit c708e435f4756f9b6a7085b08256b985c35d72de
Author: Bùi Thành Nhân <>
Date:   Sat Oct 2 22:07:00 2021 +0700

    add pip install post

diff --git a/content/posts/ b/content/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc5122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Title: I made my python webapp pip-installable
+Date: 2021-10-02 19:49
+Running `pip3 install pytaku` now gives you all the tools you need [^1] to
+deploy [pytaku][3] - a hobby webapp of mine - on a fresh Debian 11 server:
+pytaku-generate-config > pytaku.conf.json  # generate config file
+pytaku-migrate  # generate initial sqlite3 db, or migrate to new version
+pytaku -w 5  # run main webapp using gunicorn on localhost:8000
+pytaku-scheduler  # daemon that executes scheduled background tasks
+# Optionally, run this to copy all static assets to a designated dir so your
+# web server (nginx/caddy/etc.) can serve them directly instead of through
+# the less performant gunicorn:
+pytaku-collect-static /var/www/pytaku
+So how does that work? Let's break it down.
+## The pytaku-\* executables
+[Poetry][4] is awesome. Not only does it offer sane dependency management that
+plays well with the pyenv + virtualenv combo, but it also vastly simplifies
+building and publishing python libraries. Telling pip to install executables
+alongside my library is as simple as writing a few lines in my
+[pyproject.toml][5] file:
+pytaku = "pytaku:serve"
+pytaku-dev = "pytaku:dev"
+pytaku-migrate = "pytaku:migrate"
+pytaku-generate-config = "pytaku:generate_config"
+pytaku-scheduler = "pytaku:scheduler"
+pytaku-collect-static = "pytaku:collect_static"
+The left hand side indicates the executable file name, while the right hand
+side declares which function to call. In my example, "pytaku:serve" points to
+the serve() function inside src/pytaku/\_\_init\_\
+Now that we have easy access to CLI entry points, let's quickly go over
+[how][7] each command works:
+- `pytaku` and `pytaku-dev` simply exec gunicorn and flask respectively
+  behind the scene.
+- `pytaku-migrate` runs my bespoke migrator script (which is extremely
+  primitive but hey it was a good learning experience).
+- `pytaku-generate-config` uses [goodconf][6] to generate a config template,
+  pre-filling as many values as it can.
+- `pytaku-scheduler` is just a dead simple single-threaded scheduler that I
+  don't recommend for any service that has more than a handful of users.
+- `pytaku-collect-static` leverages importlib.resources.path to get the
+  package's installation path. From there it copies the bundled static assets
+  to wherever you want your nginx to serve. It's basically a simplified version
+  of Django's collectstatic command.
+## But why bother?
+Lincoln Loop's series of Django-related blog posts were my main inspiration.
+Central to this idea is [Using in Your (Django) Project][8], which
+explains both how and why you would want to make your python project
+pip-friendly. The "why" boils down to 2 points:
+- You don't want to reinvent package management. Let pip handle the minute
+  details of packaging, distributing, versioning, etc. for you.
+- You no longer need to run python from the source code's path. In pytaku's
+  case, the working dir now only stores the sqlite database file and the
+  json config file, i.e. purely data, completely separate from the source
+  code.
+More broadly, the idea of simple distributing/deployment is, in my opinion,
+often overlooked these days. Fiddly deployment procedures are largely why
+Docker flourished: our industry just collectively gave up on self-contained
+software distribution and decided to ship a whole rootfs for each application
+process instead. Okay, I may be overreacting here, but I think it's at least
+fair to say that if every webdev shop standardized on shipping Go binaries
+statically compiled with musl libc, we'd probably reach out for Docker less
+often. When I showed pytaku to a colleague of mine, his first question was
+essentially "Dockerfile when?". Sure, Docker is neat and solves real problems,
+but how about we strive to avoid, or at least minimize, those problems in the
+first place? Remember, while container evangelists love harping on about
+negligible CPU overhead, they tend to gloss over the storage overhead:
+$ docker image ls
+python       3-alpine   bcf864391ba1   3 weeks ago   45.1MB
+python       3-slim     66f4843b721f   3 weeks ago   122MB
+And the operational complexity overhead. Did you know that by default Docker
+[completely sidesteps your firewall][9]? That even if you specifically tell it
+to only listen to a port on localhost, it may or may not still expose it to the
+whole world? That this remains an [open bug since 2016][10]? This isn't one of
+those security bogeyman stories either, actual people have been [bitten by
+it][11]. At this point cloud apologists would probably jump in and point out
+how this isn't an issue if you're running on GCP or AWS because they have
+another layer of firewall that locks down every port by default that you can
+setup on their totally usable web console or infrastructure-as-code it in your
+cloudformations or your terraformses or, actually, do you have a moment to talk
+about our lord and savior Cthulhubernetes-
+But I digress.
+I guess what I was trying to say is, throwing abstractions over complex
+procedures is simply shifting the costs elsewhere. Shipping your software in a
+Dockerfile is file, but making your distribution so simple that people can
+easily write a couple of lines of Dockerfile for it by themselves is more
+And other people _have_ been trying to make python application distribution
+- [shiv][12] bundles everything but the python interpreter
+- [PyOxidizer][13] bundles everything _including_ the python interpreter
+- [nuika][14] actually compiles your python application into an executable,
+  unlike PyInstaller which just generates a self-extracting archive.
+We'll get there. Someday.
+[^1]: Well actually you still need to `apt install python3-apsw`, but that's
+  only because apsw [refuses][2] to provide a binary wheel on pypi. It can be
+  replaced by the standard library sqlite3 module anyway - I only picked apsw
+  because it exposes essentially the same API as the SQLite C library, which
+  helped when I was learning to use SQLite properly for the first time.
+[^2]: Even with the above, pytaku still won't run out of the box because it
+  needs a [crappy proxy]( in order to
+  bypass mangasee's strict cloudflare protection. I know it's lame but pytaku
+  is practically a web scraper project and there's no way to make it work
+  reliably without a proxy pool anyway. I hope this doesn't distract you from
+  the point of the article though.
diff --git a/nhanb-theme/static/css/main.css b/nhanb-theme/static/css/main.css
index d866d66..43aa1c6 100644
--- a/nhanb-theme/static/css/main.css
+++ b/nhanb-theme/static/css/main.css
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ video {
+sup {
+  line-height: 1rem; /* prevents it from pushing up the line */
 p {
   line-height: 1.4rem;
   margin: 1.1rem 0;
@@ -109,12 +113,14 @@ .clearfix {
 code {
   font-family: monospace;
-  font-size: 1rem;
+  font-size: 0.9rem;
 p code,
 li code {
   background-color: blanchedalmond;
+  border: 1px solid #aaa;
+  padding: 0 3px;
 a:hover code {
   background-color: var(--link-color);
@@ -126,9 +132,6 @@ pre {
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-pre code {
-  font-size: 0.9rem;
 /* Pygments tweaks */
 .highlight {
diff --git a/ b/
index 4d6412b..358983d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -109,5 +109,5 @@
 Built with &#9829; and probably too much
-<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Coffee House</a>.
+<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Coffee House</a>.