Repos / / b25184b3fc
commit b25184b3fc14472376109ed3a5a95b9a0758c109
Author: nhanb <>
Date:   Sat Aug 2 22:43:36 2014 +0700

    post: italic in terminal vim

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+Title: Enable italic text inside vim inside tmux inside gnome-terminal
+Date: 2014-08-02 16:46
+Category: tutorials
+Tags: linux, vim
+Slug: enable-italic-text-vim-tmux-gnome-terminal
+It has bothered me for a while what I can't get terminal vim to display *italic* text. It might
+seem trivial but it makes a world of difference when I'm editing Markdown or HTML. Here's what gvim
+looks like:
+Neat, right? This is what terminal vim shows:
+I don't know about you, but the second one looks catastrophically messy and counterintuitive to me.
+Let's change that. My current setup is terminal vim running inside a tmux session on
+gnome-terminal. Let's go through these things.
+## gnome-terminal
+Note that older versions of `gnome-terminal` do not support italic text. To check if your terminal
+does support it, run this command:
+$ echo "\e[3m foo \e[23m"
+If your version of gnome-terminal supports it, an italic *foo* will appear. If not, upgrade it! :)
+## vim
+You may have noticed: `[3m` and `[23m` are the special sequences to start and stop printing
+italic text. Unfortunately, vim doesn't care about those. It expects `sitm` and `ritm` instead.
+We'll need to map them manually. Simply use these commands:
+# Download a custom terminfo that defines sitm and ritm
+$ wget
+# Compile it
+$ tic xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
+# Activate xterm-256color-italic.terminfo automatically
+# (edit filename accordingly if you're using another shell)
+$ echo 'export TERM=xterm-256color-italic' >> ~/.bashrc
+Open a new terminal window and try the first command again. You should now see an italic *foo*. If
+not, I can't help you any further :P
+## tmux
+The only reason I use terminal vim instead of gvim is tmux integration, therefore I almost always
+run vim inside a tmux session. Unfortunately tmux does some weird things to your terminal, one of
+them is altering the `$TERM` environment variable. When we open a tmux session, it will typically
+reset `$TERM` to `screen-256color` or something like that.
+If you did the previous step, the `export` command in your `.bashrc` should have overridden tmux's
+`$TERM` value. If for some reason it doesn't work, you can directly tell tmux to use the correct
+value. Add this line to `~/.tmux.conf`:
+set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color-italic"
+## More on vim
+If you still can't see any italic text in a markdown file, it might be because your colorscheme
+deliberately disables it. Try using another colorscheme (I highly recommend [solarized][2]). You
+can also check if your markdown syntax plugin does use italics; I'm currently using [Tim Pope's
+markdown plugin][3] and it works great!
+## References:
+1. [Terminal that supports ANSI italic escape code?][4]
+2. [gnome-terminal's italic escape codes][5]
+3. [Enabling italic fonts in iTerm2, tmux, and vim][6]