Repos / / 64c2821448
commit 64c2821448dd6cd2b79660d2c0cda841b6fe7f18
Author: nhanb <>
Date:   Fri Jun 26 12:31:16 2015 +0700

    update about page content
    It might be a bit pompous to call myself a software engineer at this
    point. "Developer" sounds more appropriate for now :)

diff --git a/content/pages/ b/content/pages/
index e8e80d0..79c54b2 100644
--- a/content/pages/
+++ b/content/pages/
@@ -4,18 +4,17 @@ ## About me
 ![My face](/images/nhan.jpg)
-My name is **Bùi Thành Nhân**. I'm a Vietnamese software engineer with a keen interest in DevOps.
+My name is **Bùi Thành Nhân**. I'm a Vietnamese software developer with a keen interest in DevOps.
 When I'm not working, I tend to lurk around GitHub, go swimming, or spend an unhealthy amount of
 time reading manga (in fact, my first serious hobby project is [an online manga reader][5]).
-Getting decent at Ultra Street Fighter IV was recently added to my to-do list too.
+Getting decent at Ultra Street Fighter IV was recently added to my to-do list as well.
 ## About this blog
 My mind is a sad mess that cannot hold much important/interesting information after a couple of
-months or so. This blog is where I write down interesting things I discover, or practice expressing
-myself by writing technical tutorials. On occasional bad days I might throw all my ramblings here
-too, but hopefully those will be rare.
+months or so. This blog is where I write down interesting things I discover. On occasional bad days
+I might throw all my ramblings here too, but hopefully those will be rare.
 This blog uses [Pelican][1] - a static site generator written in Python. The static files are
 hosted on Github Pages. All the markdown files can also be found on my [github repo][3]. The