Repos / / 5aae73676f
commit 5aae73676f97e4623331ef2801d17a7b8255e83c
Author: nhanb <>
Date:   Wed Dec 4 10:35:14 2013 +0700

    makefile commands for post/page manipulation
    also part of new post "have you built anything"

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1e5b1bf..0ad7a53 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -86,3 +86,54 @@ github: publish
 	git push gh-pages:master
 .PHONY: html help clean regenerate serve devserver publish ssh_upload rsync_upload dropbox_upload ftp_upload s3_upload github
+# post/page operations
+DATE := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+SLUG := $(shell echo '${NAME}' | sed -e 's/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g' | tr -s '-' | tr A-Z a-z)
+EXT ?= md
+ifdef NAME
+	echo "Title: $(NAME)" >  $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo "Slug: $(SLUG)" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo "Date: $(DATE)" >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo ""              >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo ""              >> $(INPUTDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
+	@echo 'Do make newpost NAME='"'"'Post Name'"'"
+ifdef NAME
+	@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
+	@echo 'Do make editpost NAME='"'"'Post Name'"'"
+ifdef NAME
+	echo "Title: $(NAME)" >  $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo "Slug: $(SLUG)" >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo ""              >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	echo ""              >> $(PAGESDIR)/$(SLUG).$(EXT)
+	@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
+	@echo 'Do make newpage NAME='"'"'Page Name'"'"
+ifdef NAME
+	@echo 'Variable NAME is not defined.'
+	@echo 'Do make editpage NAME='"'"'Page Name'"'"
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b09623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Title: "Have you built anything cool?"
+Slug: have-you-built-anything-cool
+Date: 2013-12-04 08:55:44
+Status: draft
+So yesterday I went to a *networking event* - something I have never liked or been good at. I'm
+not sure if I'm one of those introverts or if I'm just socially awkward, but the very idea of
+going around trying to converse with total strangers just to exchange business cards is not at all
+appealing to me. Anyway, that's another story. Right now I want to write about something a guy
+from a non-tech company asked me:
+> \- Have you built anything cool?  
+> \- [pause] Well, more or less...  
+> \- What do you mean by "more or less"? [...] Have you built anything at all?  
+Then I went on trying to explain what my recent side project - 
+[pytaku]( - does and why it is awesome for me. He seemed to be
+disinterested halfway through so I decided to shut up anyway.
+Sure, I have done stuff every now and then, be it assignment work or something I decided to create
+for my own amusement. It is just funny how I have already stepped into to my final year without
+taking a proper look back at what I have done in these past 2 years, so I'm going to do just that.
+If you - Nicholas - are reading this and don't want all the nerdy stuff, here are my condensed
+### Have you built anything?  
+Yes, I have done desktop and Android games, a movie ticket sales program, a desktop manga
+grabber, a web version of it that talks to dropbox, and several small shell scripts / web
+### So, nothing cool?  
+If you're neither a tech geek nor an otaku (which I assume you're probably not) then no,
+there's probably nothing I've done that you would find interesting.
+## First year - Welcome to the web, and the GUI programming disillusionment
+I had touched *web stuff* before in high school: a vBulletin forum that I created (unofficially)
+for students in my middle school. However, I only properly learned PHP and JS when I started the
+Web Programming course here. With (moderately) great power came great desires, so I set out to
+build a basic PHP site to scrape a view page's HTML to get direct video links (not working anymore
+since a recent youtube update)
+![tubegrab v2.9](/images/tubegrab.jpg "tubegrab v2.9")
+That was my first touch on jQueryUI and regular expressions; I also learned how RMIT's mekong
+server sucked to the point that it didn't allow `get_file_contents()`.
+I also learned about MVC and GUI programming with Java swing.
diff --git a/content/images/tubegrab.jpg b/content/images/tubegrab.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e018871
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/images/tubegrab.jpg differ