Repos / / 29497250c0
commit 29497250c054db307ed27b6a56310491cf68834c
Author: nhanb <>
Date:   Fri Jun 5 15:18:49 2015 +0700

    introduce new theme

diff --git a/content/images/mofo_01_loads.png b/content/images/mofo_01_loads.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79fad1
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/images/mofo_01_loads.png differ
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb7541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Title: Look ma, no stock theme!
+Date: 2015-06-05 13:54
+I just redesigned my blog.
+To be totally honest, the previous design was not mine at all. I've always been using
+[pelican-octopress-them][1], which is a Pelican port of the default theme for Octopress. It's not
+that I have anything to complain about that theme: it was clean, readable and easy on the eyes. I
+just want my site to look unique. Content is king, sure, but it wouldn't hurt to stand out from the
+crowd once in a while.
+I'm not a professional designer, but everything turned out quite well if I could say so. In this
+post I'll explain my design goals and how I (hopefully) achieved them.
+## Clean and lightweight
+The web is messy. I'm not talking blinking-marquee-fire-animated-header messy (thank god we're done
+with that... [or are we?][2]). I'm talking megabytes-of-useless-javascript-and-css messy. For
+whatever reason, some people now think it's cool to include Bootstrap/Foundation to every project,
+or to include that new shiny parallax library to ruin scrolling for everybody. Oh, and don't forget
+the marvellous invention that is ["infinite scrolling"][3]:
+In fact, the main motivation of my new theme is [this satire page][4] on the sad state of the web
+we're in today.
+That's why I decided to do no fancy cosmetic JS and try to keep my use of static assets to a
+I guess I can do nothing about the font files though. Oh well, at least it looks awesome.
+## Content is king
+No more distracting sidebar with "latest news", "related posts", etc. with thumbnails popping up
+all over the place, just a good old article body from start to finish.
+## Easy on the eye
+While [bettermotherfuckingwebsite][5] does a good job at demonstrating how far you can go with a
+few simple CSS rules (hint: very far), I found Tommi Kaikkonen's [Interactive Guide to Blog
+Typography][6] much more comprehensive and informative. I implemented many of the ideas found
+in that guide:
+- Big body font
+- Constrained line width to aid reading
+- Generous line height, liberal whitespace to help with visual hierarchy
+- Lower background-foreground contrast. I also find the slightly yellow-ish background somewhat
+  soothing.
+## That's it!
+You can find the source code to my theme [on GitHub][7]. I don't recommend using it as-is though,
+since I haven't implemented many required templates (authors, tags, categories, etc.) because I
+don't use them. There's also the hardcoded footer. But honestly, the main reason is I just want my
+site to stay unique :P
diff --git a/content/pages/ b/content/pages/
index b324950..56cb568 100644
--- a/content/pages/
+++ b/content/pages/
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ ## About this blog
 too, but hopefully those will be rare.
 This blog uses [Pelican][1] - a static site generator written in Python. The static files are
-hosted on Github Pages. The theme used here is a (very slightly) modified fork from
-[pelican-octopress-theme][2]. All the markdown files can also be found on my [github repo][3].
+hosted on Github Pages. All the markdown files can also be found on my [github repo][3]. The
+Pelican theme I wrote for this blog can be found [here][2].
 I always appreciate feedback or further discussion on my posts, so feel free to point out if you
 think I said something stupid. That's it. Enjoy reading!
diff --git a/motherfucking-pelican-theme b/motherfucking-pelican-theme
index aa3df9d..1a7af2f 160000
--- a/motherfucking-pelican-theme
+++ b/motherfucking-pelican-theme
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit aa3df9d3020e7754441b5963e3e753eeca4e8c6d
+Subproject commit 1a7af2f35778a5200bb24c6d049c35c573bed4ee