Repos / gorts / a5bc04ccae
commit a5bc04ccae223dcf25407c0f0688f3aacbda482e
Author: Nhân <>
Date:   Fri Jun 16 15:20:19 2023 +0700

    implement readvars method on tcl client

diff --git a/tk/main.tcl b/tcl/main.tcl
similarity index 61%
rename from tk/main.tcl
rename to tcl/main.tcl
index bed22c0..2f54050 100644
--- a/tk/main.tcl
+++ b/tcl/main.tcl
@@ -12,26 +12,52 @@ if {$OS == "Windows"} {
     ttk::style theme use clam
+# Very simple line-based RPC where Tcl client talks to Go server
+# via stdin/stdout.
+# For this "readvars" method, the Go server returns multiple lines
+# where each line starts with variable name, followed by a space,
+# with the rest of the line being its value. When done, the server
+# sends a literal "end" line.
+# => readvars
+# <= description Saigon Cup 2023
+# <= p1name BST Diego Umejuarez
+# <= p1score 0
+# [etc.]
+# <= end
+puts "readvars"
+set line [gets stdin]
+while {$line != "end"} {
+    set spaceindex [string first " " $line]
+    set key [string range $line 0 $spaceindex-1]
+    set val [string range $line $spaceindex+1 end]
+    set ${key} $val
+    set line [gets stdin]
+# GUI
 ttk::frame .c -padding 5
 ttk::frame .c.description
 ttk::label .c.description.lbl -text "Match description"
-ttk::entry .c.description.entry
+ttk::entry .c.description.entry -textvariable description
 ttk::frame .c.players
 ttk::label .c.players.p1lbl -text "Player 1"
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p1name -width 35
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p1country -width 5
-ttk::spinbox .c.players.p1score -from 0 -to 999 -width 4
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p1name -textvariable p1name -width 35
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p1country -textvariable p1country -width 5
+ttk::spinbox .c.players.p1score -textvariable p1score -from 0 -to 999 -width 4
 ttk::button .c.players.p1win -text "▲ Win" -width 5
 ttk::label .c.players.p1teamlbl -text "Team 1"
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p1teamname
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p1team -textvariable p1team
 ttk::separator .c.players.separator -orient horizontal
 ttk::label .c.players.p2lbl -text "Player 2"
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p2name -width 35
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p2country -width 5
-ttk::spinbox .c.players.p2score -from 0 -to 999 -width 4
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p2name -textvariable p2name -width 35
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p2country -textvariable p2country -width 5
+ttk::spinbox .c.players.p2score -textvariable p2score -from 0 -to 999 -width 4
 ttk::button .c.players.p2win -text "▲ Win" -width 5
 ttk::label .c.players.p2teamlbl -text "Team 2"
-ttk::combobox .c.players.p2teamname
+ttk::combobox .c.players.p2team -textvariable p2team
 ttk::frame .c.buttons
 ttk::button .c.buttons.apply -text "▶ Apply"
 ttk::button .c.buttons.discard -text "✖ Discard"
@@ -50,7 +76,7 @@ grid .c.players.p1country -row 0 -column 2
 grid .c.players.p1score -row 0 -column 3
 grid .c.players.p1win -row 0 -column 4 -padx {5 0} -rowspan 2 -sticky NS
 grid .c.players.p1teamlbl -row 1 -column 0
-grid .c.players.p1teamname -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky EW
+grid .c.players.p1team -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky EW
 grid .c.players.separator -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 5 -pady 10 -sticky EW
 grid .c.players.p2lbl -row 3 -column 0
 grid .c.players.p2name -row 3 -column 1
@@ -58,7 +84,7 @@ grid .c.players.p2country -row 3 -column 2
 grid .c.players.p2score -row 3 -column 3
 grid .c.players.p2win -row 3 -column 4 -padx {5 0} -rowspan 2 -sticky NS
 grid .c.players.p2teamlbl -row 4 -column 0
-grid .c.players.p2teamname -row 4 -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky EW
+grid .c.players.p2team -row 4 -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky EW
 grid .c.buttons -row 5 -column 0 -sticky W -pady {10 0}
 grid .c.buttons.apply -row 0 -column 0
 grid .c.buttons.discard -row 0 -column 1