Repos / gorts / 840473f808
commit 840473f80839f158cd3ab25d8c20460301a0a96a
Author: Nhân <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 16:50:33 2023 +0700

    very dumb, very repetitive diff tracking
    TODO: grok tcl variables and scopes and procs so I can clean up this
    mess somehow.

diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index b03bf9d..4bbec2a 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -83,11 +83,8 @@ func startGUI() {
 	state := initState()
 	b64icon := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(gortsPngIcon)
-	fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "seticon %s\n", b64icon)
-	fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "set mainstatus \"Point your OBS browser source to http://localhost:%s\"\n", WebPort)
-	fmt.Fprintln(stdin, "readstate")
+	fmt.Fprintf(stdin, "initialize %s %s\n", b64icon, WebPort)
 	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
@@ -129,9 +126,6 @@ func startGUI() {
 			state.P2score, _ = strconv.Atoi(next())
 			state.P2team = next()
-		default:
-			println("Skipping bogus command: " + req)
diff --git a/tcl/main.tcl b/tcl/main.tcl
index 69e12d2..f3535b7 100644
--- a/tcl/main.tcl
+++ b/tcl/main.tcl
@@ -88,10 +88,16 @@ grid columnconfigure .c.players 2 -pad 5
 grid columnconfigure .c.buttons 1 -pad 15
 grid columnconfigure .c.buttons 3 -pad 15
 # The following procs constitute a very simple line-based IPC system where Tcl
 # client talks to Go server via stdin/stdout.
+proc initialize {b64icon webport} {
+    seticon $b64icon
+    set ::mainstatus "Point your OBS browser source to http://localhost:${webport}"
+    readstate
+    setupdiffcheck
 proc seticon {b64data} {
     image create photo applicationIcon -data [
         binary decode base64 $b64data
@@ -101,46 +107,136 @@ proc seticon {b64data} {
 proc readstate {} {
     puts "readstate"
-    variable description
-    variable p1name
-    variable p1country
-    variable p1score
-    variable p1team
-    variable p2name
-    variable p2country
-    variable p2score
-    variable p2team
-    set description [gets stdin]
-    set p1name [gets stdin]
-    set p1country [gets stdin]
-    set p1score [gets stdin]
-    set p1team [gets stdin]
-    set p2name [gets stdin]
-    set p2country [gets stdin]
-    set p2score [gets stdin]
-    set p2team [gets stdin]
+    set ::description [gets stdin]
+    set ::p1name [gets stdin]
+    set ::p1country [gets stdin]
+    set ::p1score [gets stdin]
+    set ::p1team [gets stdin]
+    set ::p2name [gets stdin]
+    set ::p2country [gets stdin]
+    set ::p2score [gets stdin]
+    set ::p2team [gets stdin]
+    update_applied_state
 proc applystate {} {
     puts "applystate"
-    variable description
-    variable p1name
-    variable p1country
-    variable p1score
-    variable p1team
-    variable p2name
-    variable p2country
-    variable p2score
-    variable p2team
-    puts $description
-    puts $p1name
-    puts $p1country
-    puts $p1score
-    puts $p1team
-    puts $p2name
-    puts $p2country
-    puts $p2score
-    puts $p2team
+    puts $::description
+    puts $::p1name
+    puts $::p1country
+    puts $::p1score
+    puts $::p1team
+    puts $::p2name
+    puts $::p2country
+    puts $::p2score
+    puts $::p2team
+    update_applied_state
+set ::checkfunctions {}
+proc update_applied_state {} {
+    set ::applied_description $::description
+    set ::applied_p1name $::p1name
+    set ::applied_p1country $::p1country
+    set ::applied_p1score $::p1score
+    set ::applied_p1team $::p1team
+    set ::applied_p2name $::p2name
+    set ::applied_p2country $::p2country
+    set ::applied_p2score $::p2score
+    set ::applied_p2team $::p2team
+    foreach f $::checkfunctions { $f "" "" "" }
+proc setupdiffcheck {} {
+    # Define styling for "dirty"
+    foreach x {TEntry TCombobox TSpinbox} {
+        ttk::style configure Dirty.${x} -fieldbackground #dffcde
+    }
+    # I _really_ need to properly learn how scopes and variables work
+    proc checkdescription {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::description == $::applied_description} {
+            .c.description.entry configure -style TEntry
+        } else {
+            .c.description.entry configure -style Dirty.TEntry
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp1name {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p1name == $::applied_p1name} {
+            .c.players.p1name configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p1name configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp1country {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p1country == $::applied_p1country} {
+            .c.players.p1country configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p1country configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp1score {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p1score == $::applied_p1score} {
+            .c.players.p1score configure -style TSpinbox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p1score configure -style Dirty.TSpinbox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp1team {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p1team == $::applied_p1team} {
+            .c.players.p1team configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p1team configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp2name {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p2name == $::applied_p2name} {
+            .c.players.p2name configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p2name configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp2country {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p2country == $::applied_p2country} {
+            .c.players.p2country configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p2country configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp2score {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p2score == $::applied_p2score} {
+            .c.players.p2score configure -style TSpinbox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p2score configure -style Dirty.TSpinbox
+        }
+    }
+    proc checkp2team {_ _ _} {
+        if {$::p2team == $::applied_p2team} {
+            .c.players.p2team configure -style TCombobox
+        } else {
+            .c.players.p2team configure -style Dirty.TCombobox
+        }
+    }
+    trace add variable ::description write checkdescription
+    trace add variable ::p1name write checkp1name
+    trace add variable ::p1country write checkp1country
+    trace add variable ::p1score write checkp1score
+    trace add variable ::p1team write checkp1team
+    trace add variable ::p2name write checkp2name
+    trace add variable ::p2country write checkp2country
+    trace add variable ::p2score write checkp2score
+    trace add variable ::p2team write checkp2team
+    set ::checkfunctions {
+        checkdescription
+        checkp1name
+        checkp1country
+        checkp1score
+        checkp1team
+        checkp2name
+        checkp2country
+        checkp2score
+        checkp2team
+    }