Repos / gorts / 1ad503058e
commit 1ad503058ed113e825360b48d280b0da976eef6d
Author: Nhân <>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 21:05:03 2023 +0700

    switch back to clam theme

diff --git a/tcl/main.tcl b/tcl/main.tcl
index b126e66..d5ef6b0 100644
--- a/tcl/main.tcl
+++ b/tcl/main.tcl
@@ -13,14 +13,9 @@ package require Tk
 wm title . "Overly Repetitive Tedious Software (in Go)"
 tk appname gorts
-set OS [lindex $tcl_platform(os) 0]
-if {$OS == "Windows"} {
-    ttk::style theme use vista
-} elseif {$OS == "Darwin"} {
-    ttk::style theme use aqua
-} else {
-    ttk::style theme use clam
+# Proper Windows theme doesn't allow setting fieldbackground on text inputs,
+# so let's settle with `clam` instead.
+ttk::style theme use clam
 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
     exit 0